I was listening to a sermon this afternoon about Moses, and decided that I like that name.
Moses Blake.
I blatantly took the idea for Blake from a friend who had a baby last week. Oops.
Moses means drawn out of the water / saviour.
Moses in the Bible was left by his parents in a reed basket on the Nile River, as Pharaoh had ordered that all male babies born to Hebrew slaves must be drowned. His parents managed to hide him for thee months, then they left him to be found by Pharaoh's daughter.
This is interesting and remarkable, if we ever choose to use this name... as it is likely that our future adopted daughter will have been 'left to be found' by her parents in China. A further coincidence is that Moses' brother's name was Aaron (in our case, it will be his father's name).
Blake means dark. Not convinced I like that meaning. If you have any suggestions for other names that go with Moses please comment.
(I should clarify that I am not pregnant, nor trying to become so.)
Moses Aaron... now there's a strong biblical name!!!
Moses James (coz James goes with everything!)
Moses Jett (kinda funky)
Ooo, and this one is from Harry (my 5yr old)
Moses Luke (if we have a boy... he wants his name to be Luke, like Luke Skywalker!!! Thank heavens he doesn't like Darth Vader better?!!)
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